Sunday, August 2, 2009

Well that's it

Not losing weight anymore... This is so hard. My TSH level is 0.42 so I should be losing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Good News

I have some good news. I am exercising my ass off - literally! I am doing the Turbo Jam tapes at home and walking a great deal now that the weather is warmer. I have lost 12 pounds! It took three months to do but it is coming off slowly.

My endocrinologist raised my synthroid now to 250 mcg. and that is helping.

Do not let anyone tell you that just because you have no thyroid you have to be fat - it's not true!

It has taken 2 years of trying to diet, I still don't eat that much and try to do the half plate of veges, quarter each of protein and whole grain starch, potato or brown rice. Hey I even had a piece of cake at my daughter's birthday -guilt free.

It has taken 2 years of raising my synthroid.

And it takes a great deal of exercise. If I don't exercise for a day I don't lose any weight. If I do exercise I have a good chance, some days I do, some days I don't and I do fluxuate by around three pounds from morning to night. But I know if I don't exercise I'm doomed. I also count household chores as exercise. If I clean vigorously or paint a room, I don't work out that day. If it's just regular chores, they don't count.

I feel like I can lose some of the 45 pounds I've gained since my total thyroidectomy now. Twelve down, thirty-three to go... Whew!!

Good Luck! Try the Turbo Jam tapes with Charlene Johnson. (they don't require too much coordination, because I am not coordinated at all!)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Numbers are going back up!

It's been four months supposedly at an optimum number of 0.43. But I have been getting really tired and I am STILL not losing weight. In fact I gained five pounds during the last 6 months, making that 45 pounds since surgery. Grrrr. I haven't changed anything except my schedule, I am still taking my 225 mcg of Synthroid at night. I am just getting up earlier in the morning than I was all summer (school year). I am now up to a 2.68, and want to go back down again.

If anyone out there has any idea why this is happening, or has had it happen to them, please respond. Thank you!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of you and your loved ones a safe, happy, and healthy 2009. If this is the year you have to have your thyroid removed, don't panic, you can still have a great year!